Share. Learn. Grow.

BizBlast is dedicated in supporting regional communities through locally led projects. We believe in place based solutions that enhance economic and social sustainability in regional towns and villages.

BizBlast supports the emerging regional data movement to build stronger communities.

Community solutions at a grass roots level need advanced data research and analysis tools as well as effective communications to promote placed based solutions for social and economic development.

Communities can lead the way in developing local solutions and long term strategies that are backed by contextualised data analysis that are much more effective and productive than top down decision making.

BizBlast works with regional communities in a Busines to Business environment.

We believe that Determination, Creativity, Innovation and Sustainability are all important to allow regional businesses and communities to grow and prosper.

At BizBlast we learn how to build on these values through strong networks with local business chambers, community associations and regional business communities.

Local Leaders

Supporting Local Leaders  will develop strong voices that help sustain regional communities.

Sharing Stories

Functioning networks are vital so that information and stories can be shared across diverse regions.

Digital Place

Businesses who find their “Digital Place” will greatly enhance their connections with their customers.

Learn & Grow

Accredited training specifically designed for business owners to plan and grow their businesses.

Thanks for your interest

Fill in the form below to register your interest for the BizBlast Beta Program. We’ll keep you posted and let you know once the beta program opens. And remember, it’s totally free!